
Friday, May 26, 2017

Why some Cambodian Youths think that election is a waste of time and money?

Why some Cambodian Youths think that election is a waste of time and money?
Election campaign is in a nutshell in the capital right now. People are talking about how things would go this or that way compromising the fact that the upcoming election is near. Some citizens are delight with the ideas that the country is desperately needed to be changed starting from June 4th, commune election. BUT, how could we forget to talk about some youths who tend to think that ELECTION IN CAMBODIA is a waste of time and money. Starting from high to low educated youth- from USA university alumni to security guards to cleaners thought that their voices are no longer matter in Election since there is no hope of change, no matter how persistent and consistent they are. What would be the factors, motives, or influence behind all these thoughts?
CCambodia Election was started in 1993 which was the first ever election, victory is claimed by current ruling party, Cambodia People’s Party. AND that is not the first and last time they have won the election. These days, youths have no hope whatsoever to vote or make their voice heard because they have seen enough explicit evidences that have happened in Khmer Society that Ruling Party wouldn’t step down despite the fact that they win or lose.
o “I don’t have time to vote since my vote is no longer matter” o “Why do I need to vote? I have already known who is going to win this election regardless of any circumstances” o “Election? I don’t know who should I vote for, so I don’t want to vote” Are these thoughts WRONG? Well, somehow it would right regarding to some situations in the country? They are absolutely wrong. Despite everything that happened, youths must realize that they are the hope of country whose voice can be heard to the world, making a change in the country. For the growing and developing of the country, youths must lift their head held high, ticking the box that they think can bring about change to betterment to Cambodia. Voting is a must!!!