
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Cambodia's Election Campaign

Cambodia's Election Campaign
Cambodia Election Campaign kicked start in the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, on May 20th which will be continued until June 2nd this year.

The premier of Political Campaign was a little big chaos and caused commotion to normally silent area in the city. However, this campaign gives Cambodian citizens who are opposition party followers, Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), a new hope in changing Cambodia’s leader by starting with upcoming commune election.

Cambodian People’s Party (CPP); on the other hand, still has a strong hope in hand to win the upcoming election since they have ruled the country since first national election in 1993. According to VOA, government spokesman Phay Siphan has said “ The middle class has been expanding. The people, they do have clean water, electricity, school, health. Of course it's not enough but it’s improved from year to year,” he said. “We have a middle class that needs to grow”. For both major parties, they strongly and fully confident in their representative parties to win upcoming commune election because of millions of followers.

Even though there are only 2 most influential political parties (CPP & CNRP), some parties have emerge with more noticeable appearance in this campaign such as Cambodian Democratic Society (គណបក្សសង្គមប្រជាធិបតេកម្ពុជា), Cambodia Nationality Party (គណបក្សសញ្ជាតិកម្ពុជា), League for Democracy Party (គណបក្សសម្ព័ន្ធដើម្បីប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ), etc…
So, we are looking forward to the result in June 4th, 2017…